Galaxy Trio in Draco
(c) Copyright 2003-2012 - All rights reserved
Telescope: Officina Stellare RC Pro 12,5" with focal reductor f/6.7, 2134 mm
CCD Camera: SBIG STL-6303
Mount: German equatorial mount Astro-Physics 1200 GTO
Integration: LRGB 560:50:50:50.
Date / Location / Sky: 13, 18,19,20 June 2009 Sicily, Madonie Mounts, Nebrodi Mounts, 1500 m. s.l.
FWHM: 2.5" (exp. 10 m.) Sky luminosity: 21.3 mag. per squared arcsec
Software: MaxIm-DL, Registar, CCDStack, PhotoShop
Publications: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) 1 July 2009