NGC 4565 galaxy
(c) Copyright 2003-2012 - All rights reserved
Telescope: Takahashi BRC-250, 1260 mm, F/5
CCD Camera: SBIG ST10-XME / CFW-8
Mount: German equatorial mount Astro-Physics 1200 GTO
Integration: LRGB: 100:25:25:25 L binning 1, RGB binning 2
Date / Location / Sky: 30 Apr 2006 Sicily, loc. Querce di Cota - Troina (EN), 600 m. s.l.
FWHM: 4.4"
Software: MaxIm-DL, CCDSoft, Registar, PhotoShop




Marco Benintende

Dizionario di Astronomia - Ed. Gremese - November 2006

Anacortes Photo of the Day 4 June 2006